Site data
We use tracking data on our website, such as cookies, to improve the site experience; this includes boosting load times and generating user analytics to refine our user experience.
Users who message us through the website consent to us acquiring relevant data for future communications, such as responding to their messages and providing relevant marketing material.
Users have the right to have their communications data deleted from our mailing list and should simply email [email protected] requesting this.
Free consultation
Free consultation is available for customers both within the UK and internationally.
The maximum permitted time on the free consultation call is one hour and the call commencement time should be mutually agreed by both parties.
Customers seeking to cancel the call should provide at least 24 hours’ notice to us. We hold the right to cancel free consultation calls at our own discretion but will usually provide at least 24 hours’ notice ourselves.
Payment terms and conditions are specified on our invoices and must be complied to by customers. Failure to do so may result in court proceedings.
Site visits
Site visits are possible both nationally and internationally.
During site visits, travel and, sometimes, reasonable accommodation should be paid for by the customer. Where accommodation is arranged, both parties most mutually agree that the accommodation is of an appropriate standard. For travel, we specify our mileage rates on our invoices, and these are based on HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) guidelines.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) must be provided by the customer during site visits; this prevents the cross-contamination risks associated with us bringing in our own PPE. Before site visits, we specify the garment sizes of the person(s) attending so that appropriate PPE can be arranged.
We expect customers to be responsible for appropriate health, safety, and hazard management in their sites. During site visits, customers will be held liable for any accidents, injury or death that happen to our staff and/or any of our affiliates where we believe they are responsible.
Customers seeking to cancel site visits should provide at least 48 hours’ notice for domestic visits and 1 week’s notice for international visits. We also retain the right to cancel site visits and will usually provide similar notice.
Third-party appliances
We are not responsible for any failure of third-party machinery and/or appliances installed and/or recommended by us. We rely on assurances provided by the manufacturer; customers should contact the manufacturer directly regarding any potential failures or damages.
Accidents, injury or death that occur to individuals using third-party appliances and/or machinery are the responsibility of the relevant site manager and/or the manufacturer of the appliance during instances of unprecedented equipment failures.
When we provide health and safety (H&S) training, our consultation is pursued on an advisory basis only; customers are responsible for choosing to apply our advice to an acceptable standard, as well as for noticing any additional practices that can augment the standards of our advice. We are not responsible for the misuse or misapplication of our H&S standards by customers and other third-party individuals.
© 2023 Audhalis Ltd, UK company number 14535340, all rights reserved.